Audit of financial statements is an engagement in which auditor aims to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements to be audited are free from material misstatement.
The audits represent assurance engagements and are conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISA).
At Moore abc we use risk-based audit approach. Risk-based approach include the analysis of various aspects of operations implemented by audited entity, the internal control system analysis and control environment analysis to identify potential risk areas to properly plan the audit and concentrate on increased risks to save time.
In other words, our approach to auditing is recognizing the importance of internal control and focus on key business risks and their possible impact on the financial statements.
Our reports regularly include a Management letter relating to significant risks noticed, as well as weaknesses in the internal control system, with recommendations for their overcoming.We are here for you to provide you audit and assurance services that increases the credibility of the financial information of the company to the shareholders, investors, customers, suppliers, company’s employees.