Stocktaking (inventorisation)
The importance of (and disruption from) stocktakes to your business will vary depending on your inventory system.
The following classes of Property, Plant & Equipment (PPE) are covered by annual stocktakes conducted by the Assets Management Unit (within Corporate Finance & Advisory Services):
Computer Equipment
Other Plant & Equipment
Motor Vehicles
Inventorisation, regardless of whether it is carried out for a particular asset class or for all their classes, may involve either a simple inventory, which means identification of items, determination of their condition and quantity / volumes for a specific date with reflection of these data in the inventory report later, or along with the above, the development for the company of a unified system of coding for departments and asset classes, labeling items, the development of interdepartmental exchange forms and rules for reflecting in them data on the daily movement of items, indicating their residues at a specific area of the enterprise.
All this allows you to increase the efficiency of asset management and exercise proper control over the economic activity of the venture and its property.