Moore Abc held a tree-planting event in connection with the Earth Day

Moore ABC held a tree-planting event in connection with the Earth Day celebrated on April 22 annually. The purpose of the event was to support the restoration of the forest. More than 30 employees of Moore ABC took part in the activity. As part of corporate social responsibility, the company has planted dozens of oak tree in Krtsanisi Forest Park (Ponichala Reserve). These endemic species of oaks are included within the Georgian Red List.
Moore ABC recognizes the responsibility for the environment protection and plans to undertake similar activities in the future too.
“Our company acknowledges high social responsibility to improve the ecological situation within the country with the aim to create a healthy environment for the future generations. Within the main values of Moore Global network are community and care. We are dedicated to provide best outcomes for the community and nature. We are deeply passionate that we can bring the society prosperity and we strive for the better world and future. As a Company committed to our beliefs, we always encourage ourselves to make positive changes within the environment we live in. From the day from now, we aim to hold this event annually as a tradition” - said Sopho Abaiadze, the initiator of the activity.
Earth Day is an annual event on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First held on April 22, 1970, it now includes a wide range of events coordinated globally by EARTHDAY.ORG including 1 billion people in more than 193 countries